Chemicals Products

BGP’s Asphaltene Dissolver (BG-AD) is an oil soluble, water dispersible mixture of surface active ingredients, co-solvent, dispersant and activated aromatic solvents, especially designed to disperse and prevent difficult Asphaltene deposits.

Dark Brown Solution
Specific Gravity (25OC)
0.9– 0.95
Flash Point (PMCC)
Boiling Point
> 80OC
Oil, water

The aromatic molecules in this product attach to the asphaltene molecules and these results in the particles staying dispersed in a stable colloidal solution. The surface active ingredients increase the surface tension of the crude oil above the level where the asphaltene precipitations normally precipitate. BG-AD will also dissolve present deposits and can be applied via continuous injection or regular batch treatment.   


-Easy disperse and removes asphaltene deposits

-Prevention of asphaltene molecules being deposited inside production tubing

-Pipelines and production tubing stay clean -More effective than old methods

BGP’ Asphaltene inhibitor (BG-AI)  is  a  powerful  special asphaltene inhibitor/dispersant which is a complex formulation of special complex organic based compositions in solvents engineered to avoid asphaltene agglomeration and deposition. BG-AI is designed to prevent asphaltene deposition from downhole equipment, flow lines, dehydrators and other surface production facilities. 

In the petroleum industry, asphaltenes are known to form deposits which can clog well formations, flow lines, and surface facilities. Changes in pressure, temperature and shear rate may cause asphaltene precipitation and deposition. Asphaltenes can build up in many places

 along the production system, from inside the structures to pumps, tubing, wellbores, safety valves  and etc. Asphaltene deposits can cause production problems for field operations and may even  cause safety issues. 

Mild amine like + aromatics
Specific Gravity (25OC)
0.90 – 0.95 (H2O = 1)
Flash Point (PMCC)
> 655 ⁰C
7.2 – 8.5
Viscosity 25C
312 CPS

BGP’s corrosion inhibitor (BG-CI) aid is an organic acid. This aid is a very heavy material and is not used too often in HCL at temperatures below 200°F. It is not a stand-alone acid corrosion inhibitor; and it is used with HCL, HCL-HF, and HCL-Acetic acids. Reductions in corrosion can be in the range of 40 to 90% depending on the type of metal exposed. Corrosion intensifier may be used with corrosion inhibitor to limit high temperature corrosion rates on J-55, N-80, 13 Cr and coiled tubing. This aid is used to inhibit corrosion for the temperatures up to 300°F.The recommended concentration is 10-60 gal/Mgal of aid in HCL acid.

  • Physical and chemical properties
Dark Brown Solution
Colorless Liquid
Strong Pungent
Solubility in water
  • Features


  • Aid lowers corrosion rates significantly when used with organic acid inhibitors allowing increased contact time between the acid and exposed steel.
  • This aid may be used with HCL HCL-HF, and HCL-Acetic acids.
  • It improves corrosion protection when used with normal HCI or HCI-HF acid inhibitors.
  • It provides acid corrosion protection on most oilfield grade steels. It is compatible with most acid additives.
  • It has a mixing flexibility.
  • It is easily soluble and can be added to acid treating fluids.
  • It is compatible with most acid additives.
  • Benefits


Stimulates higher temperature formations with minimal corrosion of steel tubular  Permits high-strength acid systems to be used in stimulating high temperature formations Compatibility and mixing flexibility allow usage with all HCI and HCI-HF acid.

BGP’s Demulsifier (BG-D) is a totally organic liquid formulation of surfactants and dispersants in a petroleum solvent, for the demulsification of water in oil and oil in water, capable of performance at room temperature, but with improved speed and percentage of oil removed when applied at temperatures near 65 deg. C (150 deg. F). This Product destabilizes the oilwater interface that surrounds each water particle in the emulsion, replaces the emulsifier molecules (if any),and allows the water to coalesce. 

Our Product is a completely combustible, non-abrasive, non-ash-forming treatment which will improve the quality of the fuel it is added to. 

Oil soluble
Viscosity cSt, 20°C
Density g/ml, 20°C
Solubility in Water (1%)
Preferred Solvent
Aromatic Naphtha

Advantage :

  • Does not stay with the water phase, therefore does not contribute to water pollution
  • Stays with the fuel and actually improves burning characteristics of the fuel
  • Uses lower dosages than most competing products
  • Carries a “COMBUSTIBLE” label for transportation (Many competing products are classified as “flammable”)


Once you have determined the correct dose of  BG-D, fill the tank with the waste-oil-water solution and inject the correct dose of this product, directly from the drum. Mix thoroughly, with the assistance of a pump, for two to five hours. Mixing time varies depending on the size of the tank and the speed of the motor. Allow the fuel to settle and check for water separation. Depending on the configuration of the tank, either remove the water by means of a drain in the bottom or suck the clean oil off from the top of the tank.

BGP’s DRA (BG-DRA) is injected in crude oil and refined products pipelines, in order to reduce frictional pressure, drop followed by throughput increase. DRA is an excellent alternative for increasing the capacity of existing pipelines. Frictional pressure drop reduction due to DRA injection increases operational safety of all pipelines, especially old ones. It also leads to decrease in energy consumption and maintenance costs of equipment such as pumps and turbines. Some exclusive reasons and advantages of DRA implementation are described as bellow:

  1. Increase the pipeline’s transportation capacity by reducing frictional pressure drop.
  2. In older pipelines or pipelines affected by corrosion attacks, where the pipeline operator wishes to keep the throughput constant, but there is a danger of the pipeline burst, the operating pressure can be reduced to a safe level without decrease throughput by the use of DRA.
  3. The oil industry is volatile and subject to increases and decreases in demand for crude oil, therefore, the only sensible alternative today to a permanent installation of new pipelines and/ or loops is to use DRA. The DRA and its injection system can be installed quickly to increase throughput of the exciting pipeline. It can be also be stopped when throughput requirements fall.
  4. DRA usage will reduce demurrage cost through facilitating refinery loading and unloading operation.
  5. DRA injection in pipelines lead to reduction in capital costs and maintenance costs by switching off pumps and pump stations, eliminating pipeline loops, obviating the need to install new pipelines and etc.
  6. Considering the effect of DRA injection before designing and constructing pipelines will reduce the pipeline diameter and thickness and in result investment costs and energy consumption
Designed for use on
Petroleum crude oil and finished products
DRA type
White Viscous Liquid
Viscosity @ 20°C
≤ 250 cP (Non-Newtonian)
Specific Gravity (Water =1)
0.87 ±0.01g/ml @ 20 °C
Soluble in hydrocarbon, insoluble in water
Ambient Temperature ranging
From -30° C to + 60° C
Hydrocarbon Noticeable

BGP’ H2S scavenger (BG-HS) is a proven inhibitor aid for use in hydrochloric acid in treating sour wells which contain hydrogen sulfide gas.H2S may be present in stimulation fluids due to the dissolution of sulfide scale (mainly Iron Sulfide) or contact with sour well fluids. This chemical is a sulfide complexing agent which is designed to control sulfide cracking of tubular and precipitation of free sulfur when acidizing oil and gas wells that contain hydrogen sulfide or iron sulfide deposits. It is often used in conjunction with other iron controlling agents. Normal concentration range for this additive is 0.5 to3.0 volume percent (5 to 30 gallons per 1000 gallons acid).

Yellow Liquid
Oil, water

BG-HS removes the H2S from the acid by reacting to form stable compounds.

The product enhances the performance of our H2S scavenger Corrosion Inhibitor while combats Sulfide stress corrosion cracking and Reduces the quantity of ferrous sulfide formed during acid treatments of sour wells.

BGP’ Loss circulation material (BG-XsR , BG-XsM, BG-XsS , BGP-049) :

BG-XsR is a highly effective non invasive fluid designed to address issue of reservoir damage and wellbore instability and its available in three sizes, fine, medium and coarse. It reduces dynamic filtration loss, prevents hole instability, prevents in permeability impairment and increases well productivity. Mud from the previous section containing BG-XsR can be used to drill production zones without worrying about pore throat blocking due to dispersed solid

BG-XsM is a blend of cellulose fibers and flaky lost circulation materials used in water-base, synthetic/oil-base and work over fluids improving borehole stability by preventing seepage loss and other losses. It enhances particle size distribution and seals depleted sands with minimal adverse effects on rheology and filtration control properties. BG-XsM are strong and resilient; they will not readily disintegrate during circulation. BG-XsM products are available in three different size ranges namely: Fine, Medium, Coarse

BG-XsS is a quick performing blend of hard cellulose fibers, strong flaky Lost Circulation Materials and binding synthetic polymers. This Product differ itself from conventional LCMs by forming high strength structure inside the fractures. BG-XsS not only cure the severe lost circulation but also strengthen the loss zone which enable further drilling operation up to target depth of section. BG-XsS has special proprietary binder polymers which enable it to form rock like structure inside fracture.

BGP-049 is carefully synthesized, polymer micro emulsion based lost circulation Material. This special product is very useful in curing severe loses in short time relative to other conventionally used LCMs. BGP-049 is liquid, so it can be added into the mud system in various ways from directly through the drill pipe to making separate LCM pills off it.